
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

OhNoZombies!11/05/2011 9:47:12 am PDT

You don’t mean evolution, right? You mean the development of society, or something?
Yes. I mean the evolution of society.

violence and murder and war are very, very human, not inhuman at all.
Inhumane is a more accurate word. Good catch. :)

No, you’re not. When you said ‘religion’, you didn’t actually mean religion. You meant Christianity. That is the opposite of thinking holistically.
I was thinking about Christianity holistically. In other words, Christianity didn’t start out as what we see today.

Hey, keep picking apart my argument, I’m enjoying it, but if I don’t respond right away, it’s not a retreat. I can’t concentrate with a 5 year old on my face.