
Live Video: Presidential Debate 2012, Round One

Barflytom10/03/2012 7:07:57 pm PDT

re: #536 Tigger2005

Actually I’m not a “lefty,” I’m a moderate. I’ve voted Republican and Democrat. Last election, I actually voted for McCain. I haven’t been in a coma the last four years, and what I’ve seen is a an intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working President who is not driven by ideology and who seeks and proposes real solutions, and who has accomplished a great deal despite having to work with a hostile, obstructionist Congress for most of his term. He’s also a strong President who’s made us safer by improving our relations with much of the rest of the world and taking out many top members of al-Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden.

If you can provide facts and evidence to back up your assertion that Obama is a “useless, incompetent phoney,” I’ll be happy to consider them. However, I will counter with an extremely long list of Obama’s accomplishments and I will expect you to read them.

The Democrats had complete control of congress for his first two years, including a fillibuster-proof majority in the senate. He seems to have made a point of appeasing enemies and pissing off allies as far as foreign relations go. He’s a phoney because he’s obviously a hard left idealogue trying to pretend to be a “moderate” in order to get elected.