
'My Grandfather Was Not a Monkey!'

Soona'3/27/2009 4:23:36 pm PDT

re: #579 Sharmuta

The failure of the 1994 “revolution” is that as soon as they thought we weren’t watching they reverted back to big spending. Sure, we can use elections to try to deal with this issue, but it fails because instead of getting a more fiscally responsible person on the ballot and in office, we usually get a democrat who could care less about controlling spending. There’s nothing you can do to stop the spending except make them via legislation/amendment, because elections are the weakest form spending control I can think of. They have utterly failed us as a mechanism to control spending. While we spend years working within the system to deal with republican socialist, in the meantime spending is out of control.

I have suggested bringing the balanced budget amendment back to the front, use it as a campaign platform to get back in power, and push for this measure. When it fails, instead of abandoning it, continue to run on it until we get the votes needed to pass it. This would bring fiscal responsibility back to the forefront of conservatism, where I think it should be. Then the next time they think we’re not watching their spending habits, they still have to keep spending in check because we forced the issue. They will never control themselves on their own, and the threat of removal from office isn’t taken seriously by them, so why should I take it seriously?

And how does any ammendment or repeal of an ammendment get started? Congress. Good luck with that.