
Friday Night Jazz: Michael Brecker, 'Round Midnight'

itellu3times3/27/2009 8:41:49 pm PDT

re: #521 OldLineTexan

The Elves of Lorien at Helm’s Deep really screws up one of Tolkien’s themes in the books.

What was it about Faramir?

That the elves were “isolationist”? Yeeeah, but they did help the fellowship, and at least they fought defensively on their own behalf, and came out after the war (read the appendices). If anything, I think it ruined the sense of isolation of Rohan, but Jackson messed that up with the signal fires and all anyway (though the cinematogrphy of that all was gorgeous!)

Faramir in the book completely rejected the ring, in the movie he neither honored Frodo (at first), nor did he entirely resist the ring. And I couldn’t really follow what it was supposed to be in the movie that changed his mind. And having him learn about it from Gollum instead of from Sam’s inebriated statement, makes it all rather different, too - and to no end that I can see.
