
Discovery Institute's Klinghoffer: 'Darwin's Tree of Death'

calcajun4/20/2009 8:38:41 pm PDT

re: #410 Lightspeed

If science can show that the creation stories put forth in Genesis are not literally true and are only allegorical, then why should anyone believe the rest of the Bible is true?

I’ve mentioned before that Moses is accredited with writing the first five books of the Bible via divine inspiration. Now, if he had tried to explain amino acids and tide pools to a Bronze-age group of nomads for whom mud + straw = bricks was high-tech, then he would have been lynched.

Resurrection? Hrmph, seen Copperfield do it all and then some.

Either you’re using hyperbole, or you’re deliberately trying to provoke someone. (or, you’re a twit—but we’ve hunted them to extinction here on this site—so I tend to discount that one) We keep the dialogue on a even keel and that, my friend the the cornerstone of the Christian faith—for none can get to the Father save through me. Either Jesus was the real deal or he was a lunatic and all his disciples were complete morons for 11 of the 12 to die martyr’s deaths.

In the mind of a Fundamentalist Christian, if you knock down the first domino of Genisis, the rest of the Bible will fall as well.

For some people who are insecure in their faith, yes. For others, it’s not a stumbling block. You need to ask yourself if you want to help those people advance or cause them to retreat?

God is infalliable and God wrote the Bible. End of story.

As a matter of my faith—yes, I believe that.

The greatest gift of mankind, God-given or otherwise, is the power to think, to reason.

After letting his son be flayed and nailed to a tree for our sins—yes.

Those who seek to supress and deny reason seek to supress the truth.

That one cuts both ways.

And remember, God is the Way, the Light, and the Truth. Deny reason and deny God.

Come, let us reason together says Isiah. Agreed.

I doubt seriously that God celebrates morons.

I dunno about celebrates—he sure tolerates ‘em.