
Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, and the Truthers

Killgore Trout9/05/2009 2:27:59 pm PDT

As if right on cue Instapundit links to pics of Today’s Ohio Tea Party

Founded, organized, sponsored by and featured speaker:
Jason Rink

Jason Rink is one of the founders of the Ohio Freedom Alliance and is the Director of Education and Outreach for the group.

Jason is a contributing author in the recently published biography of Congressman Ron Paul, Ron Paul: A Life of Ideas. Jason’s work has also been featured on the website LewRockwell-dot-com.

Also a Truther…
9/11 Equations: The Math of Propaganda

For the record, I am a moderate “twoofer.” I believe that the 9/11 Commission Report contains some serious omissions and inaccuracies. This troubles me. Is smells like a whitewash. I don’t claim tho know who did what, or how it really happened. That’s precisely the problem. I want to know and so do the other 68% of Americans who suspect we aren’t getting the whole truth. We need a new, independent investigation.

Can you identify even one instance where the mainstream media hasn’t instantly lauded adherents to the “official” story as experts, and demonized the opposition as kooks? I can’t either.

Whether the “9/11 Conspiracies” program on The History Channel turns out to be a propaganda filled hit-piece remains to be seen. I know where I’d place my bet. Call me a nutjob, if you must.

The people who are complaining are not opposed to Truthers. They are promoting events organized by Ttuthers and the featured speakers are Truthers. They have no right to bitch.