
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/30/2010 11:03:56 pm PDT

re: #552 ArchangelMichael

I believe what we are seeing here is the left wing version of something often discussed here. The whole tendency for the right to talk about freedom and liberty and limited government, while trying to ram religious dogma and theocracy down our throats at the same time.

One reason they do it is because they think that without proper religious morals and guidance, the people are too stupid and immoral to be able to handle freedom and democracy. Society will collapse into anarchy.

Apparently the left wing version is disenfranchise everyone that disagrees with them beyond a certain point, because they obviously are too stupid and immoral to be able handle freedom and democracy. Society will collapse into regressive theocracy.

I am not being leftist.

Not even close. I also am not calling for disenfranchising anyone.

I am appalled that morons have the same vote as educated people. I am appalled that those morons are turning into neo-fascists. But I wasn’t calling for dismantling suffrage.

Not being opposed to the notion of having a basic and fair educational requirement that did not discriminate on the basis of race or creed, as a perquisite to voting, in the context of such education being freely available to all, is hardly calling for stripping of rights.