
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

Arbalest9/04/2009 2:14:28 pm PDT

re: #561 HelloDare

Yes, I see your point. It is a very fine one.

Tapper, Google and the Rense search function link to the same webpage.

To be equally fine, check the dates on the webpage, Jan 8, 2002 at the top (the march), and Jan 03 at the bottom (organizing committee), separated by 5 days and 3 ‘#’. To be finer still, notice which came first.

The Truth about Truther Truthiness has been no secret since about 9/13/2001. In rereading the thread topic, it sounds like several people have “Signer’s Remorse”. But they all know how things work; as posted earlier, always read carefully before signing anything.

Jones has some shoe-scraping to do. He isn’t alone.