
O'Keefe's Creepy Plan Detailed

Renaissance_Man9/30/2010 10:53:21 am PDT

re: #583 EmmmieG

How you pay for something does affect how you use it.

That is true. However, that has little bearing on solutions for healthcare.

Your argument is that if we are obliged to pay more for healthcare, and thus be more aware of the costs, we will use it less. That is both true and specious. It is, in fact, exactly the situation we have now. Those with no insurance are very aware of the costs for health care, because they bear all of them. And, as a result, they don’t use health care until it becomes an emergency. Which results in greater cost of treatment (because the problem has progressed), and a greater cost that has to be eaten by the healthcare system, which then reflects back on the population as a whole. Resulting in greater costs for less effective treatment and less benefit to the patient, the doctors, and the population. None of which does anything to reduce the costs for health care, or the administrative costs of providing health care. All it does is make people sicker, and improve the bottom line of private health insurance companies.

Making it an inferior system.