
Stephen Colbert and the Singular Stupidity of Rep. Ted Yoho

Mattand10/10/2013 10:39:40 am PDT

re: #579 Targetpractice

It continues to absolutely boggle my mind how people who live in a world of buggy software and bad OS roll-outs are shocked that a program as complex and maligned as would have issues in its first days.

I’m taking a web design class and the teacher briefly covered the ACA site from a tech angle. Said he wasn’t impressed with the quality of the code, and didn’t give the site high marks for usability.

His overarching theme is that something like this needs to work perfectly from the get-go. Guy slings code for a fairly large hospital network, so he does know his stuff.

It’s only the second week, so it may be a little early to start irritating people yet. But I’m not sure how realistic it is to expect something like this to be perfect every single time.