
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

Throbert McGee1/12/2009 1:59:52 pm PST

Great work as always, zombie, but I disagree with one point in your captions:

An interesting aspect of this picture is the banner on the right which calls for a “Democratic secular Palestine.” Under Hamas, Gaza was turned from a secular society into a theocracy governed by shari’a law. And yet these socialist groups still support Hamas — the very Hamas which destroyed secularism in Gaza — believing in the insane pipe dream that, once freed from Israeli influence, Palestine will become a communist nation.

I would interpret the “secular Palestine” language as a reference to the One State solution, rather than a hope for a secular Arab state existing alongside Israel. That is, the merged Arab/Jewish country will be “secular” only in the sense that it won’t be the oppressive Jewish Theocracy that these people imagine Israel to be. But if the inevitable Arab majority wants to turn it into an Islamic theocracy by vote, well — that’s their democratic right.