
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/24/2009 7:23:05 am PDT

re: #578 quickjustice

Sanford lied or misled about his vacation plans. Pelosi lies about whether the CIA informed her about waterboarding.

May I suggest that there’s a significant difference in kind and degree here? Sanford’s deception seems to be an attempt to get some privacy. Pelosi— not so much. Sanford simply should have told the press to back off rather than deceiving anyone, however. And maybe he should get some therapy.

Hey, you drag Pelosi in here if you must. I have a lot of issues with Pelosi.

Sanford might have some serious personal problems. Health, physical or mental. I hope he gets help. i feel bad for the kids, because one thing we DO know from his wife is that he was out of touch on Father’s Day and neither she nor the kids knew where he was. That sucks.