
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

OhNoZombies!11/05/2011 2:47:51 pm PDT

re: #521 OhNoZombies!

Soldiers suffer from PTSD, because their bodies must adapt to severe emotional trauma. They have to do things that are inhumane. In order to do those things, the enemy must become less than human — the soldiers are trained to think this way from day one.

re: #588

No, calling someone an enemy does not ‘objectify’ them, and I have no idea why you think it does. Please, again, read the letters of soldiers. a lot of the trauma from PTSD is because they didn’t dehumanize their opponents, they killed them while being very aware of their humanity, and it fucked them up.

Calling a person anything outside of their name objectifies them. Calling Obama socialist moozlim —an enemy of freedom, objectifies him. Calling me a godless librul, or a brainwashed slave would objectify me.
Combat training reconditions the way soldiers react to stressful situations…
PTSD is caused by the soldiers inability to cope with life outside of combat due to biochemical changes induced by having to kill people. The military teaches the soldier to react without thinking.
When their tour of duty is over, they are thrust into society without being deprogrammed.
Killing fellow humans is unnatural…

My assertions are repellant, but that doesnt make them any less true.