
Third Ricin Letter Sent to President Obama, With Gun-Crazy Message

Kragar5/30/2013 12:29:51 pm PDT

Utah top gun lobbyist arrested for threatening ex-wife with ‘Zombie Response Vehicle’

One of Utah’s top gun lobbyists was arrested this week after he allegedly used a 2.5-ton Army surplus vehicle to threaten the lives of his ex-wife’s family, but his lawyer insisted that he was simply “having fun in his big boy toy.”

According to a KTSU report, Utah Shooting Sports Council Chairman Clark Aposhian was arrested by Salt Lake police on Monday for domestic violence. If Aposhian is convicted, he would have to give up his arsenal of weapons and possibly his job as chairman.

Video of Aposhian’s M35 Army surplus truck — often referred to as a “deuce and a half” — showed that he spray-painted the words “CTWD HGTS NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH” and “ZOMBIE RESPONSE VEHICLE” on the side. Salon noted earlier this year that gun owners seemed to have an obsession with zombies. The National Rifle Association’s (NRA) conference earlier this month feature zombie targets resembling President Barack Obama and an “ex-girlfriend” that actually bleed when shot. And the NRA has even picked “Zombieland” as one of “Coolest Gun Movies.”

Aposhian’s attorney, Mitch Vilos, told The Salt Lake Tribune on Wednesday that his client was “having fun in his big boy toy.”