
One Woman Sarcastically Says "Hail Satan," Entire Right Wing Goes Into Crazy Freak-Out Mode

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance7/03/2013 10:47:42 am PDT

re: #41 Hail Satan

Ya know, given those who rail against Satan and are supposedly on the “good” side I am beginning to think Satan got a bad rap and is probably a pretty cool dude. I mean really, according to Christians:

A) Satan is far more accepting and tolerant vis-a-vis gays and other religions.

B) Satan doesn’t care about what you do in your bedroom.

C) Satan believes that women should control their own bodies and aren’t cursed just because they bleed once a month.

D) Satan doesn’t damn you to some horrible bad place if you don’t do everything his followers say you should do.

I mean really, if christians are right then hell is going to be a happening lively place while in Heaven it’ll be peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and early bed time.