
Yet Another Misleading Guardian Report: NSA Guidelines "Not Updated for 30 Years"

Emoprog Refugee8/23/2013 6:49:36 pm PDT

Greenwald has updated his wikki page recently. Or at least the “Personal” section, you know, the part where the person of interest’s parents, marriages, children, stuff like that gets discussed. So, it starts off ok — it’s about how he was born in ‘67 and lived in Fla. and where he went to school, and how his partner is David Miranda, and how they have 11 dogs they rescued off the streets. I think that’s the pre-edit section.
Then there’s the new addition that takes up fully two thirds of the Personal section, and it’s all about David Miranda’s detention in Heathrow airport.
So, for anyone keeping score, 1/3 of GG’s wikki personal section covers the first 46 years of Glenn Greenwald’s life. The other 2/3s of GG’s wikki personal section covers 9 hours of David Miranda’s life. Not that it’s all that important, I just find it a little odd. I guess the incident really, really, reaaallly put a bee in the GG’s bonnet.

Random sad thought: One of the articles on the Heathrow Major Event in the Life of the GG mentioned that David Miranda is 28. Another article mentions that the GG and he have been together in Brazil for 8 years, which means that poor Miranda has spent his entire young adult life listening to the GG fly into rages about every little thing. I’m feeling really bad for him.