
Dim Jim Hoft FORCED to Buy Decent Insurance by Obama

Dark_Falcon12/13/2013 11:10:58 am PST

Let’s keep the unintentional comedy coming;

Sarah Palin against deal: ‘Read my lipstick’

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is joining the chorus of conservative voices coming out against the budget compromise that passed the House on Thursday.

The former vice presidential candidate on Thursday wrote a Breitbart op-ed slamming the deal, negotiated by Rep. Paul Wisconsin (R-Wis.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), saying that it is the usual tax-and-spend budget the tea party seeks to fight.

“No one can argue with the fact that Paul Ryan’s compromise budget bill raises taxes and increases spending,” Palin wrote. “Spare America the Orwellian word games. If the government is taking money out of your pocket to fund its growing Big Brother operations, it’s a tax. Whether money is taken from you via your phone bill, your airline ticket, or your income, it’s a tax. If politicians can’t be honest about this, it’s time to go home.”

The 1984 references are particularly funny, since I seriously doubt Sarah Palin has the reading comprehension skills needed to read George Orwell’s most famous novel.