
Mind-Bending Video: How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/26/2017 3:46:43 am PST

Know-nothing-ism at work in America:

Author’s alternative theory of climate change spurs discussion

Environmental researcher Steve Goreham had no one to debate on the stage Friday night, but several audience members challenged his claims that climate change is natural, not man made.

Goreham, author of “Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism,” spoke Friday night at the Gail Borden Public Library in Elgin, invited at the request of School District U-46 board member Jeanette Ward for a discussion on alternative theories on climate change.


Dude’s just another denier doing the Gish-gallop. That a school district board member invited this talk (not, fortunately, as part of a school curriculum) is just sad.