
Pat Metheny: "Kin" (Live at the Five Angels Theater, New York / 2014)

Targetpractice12/27/2019 7:13:44 am PST

re: #53 I Would Prefer Not To

so does Dinesh get blow or hand “jobs” from homeless dudes?

Asking cause I hate people who make fun of the homeless. Fuck them. Offer some solutions asshole or shut up. The problem is not going to be fixed with tax cuts you POS.

the rant is just beginning.

D’douchebag’s is the sort of opinion offered by assholes who’ve never known poverty or encountered it as anything more than a scruffy guy on the street they purposefully avoid making eye-contact with. Like many of his fellow travelers, he worships at the altar of Rand, which states that homelessness is a moral failing and giving help to the poor only contributes to poverty.