
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Scolds High School Students for Wearing Masks: A Closer Look

piratedan3/05/2022 12:10:00 pm PST

just speaking amongst us lizards, my biggest fear is that Putin is now at the point where he’s looking for an excuse to use his nukes. Which is why he’s invading Swedish air space and sinking unarmed merchantmen… provoking, looking for a response that he can use to justify an escalation.

There’s a part of me that understands just how tragic this all is… for the Ukranians as being caught in the real-politik of the situation and all of us that are tapped in emotionally to provide that response.

Not an easy place to be for anyone and naturally all of the bandwagoning GOP now calling for an escalation, so they can criticize whatever decision is made.. hypocrisy free ‘natch.

There’s also a part of me that wonders if there are other measures in the works to isolate Putin from his nukes that no one can talk about… after all, we’ve shown Putin that we know when he’s made a decision and what that decision was… do we have even greater abilities to prevent him from doing the unthinkable? Can we maintain this until he’s overthrown, assassinated?