
Video: The Latest on the Fourth Criminal Indictment Against Donald Trump Potentially Coming This Week

Hecuba's daughter8/14/2023 11:41:52 am PDT

re: #48 Nerdy Fish

He doesn’t make a deal. His ego is far too bloated to ever admit to any kind of wrongdoing. He thinks he can beat the rap, that he’s untouchable - nay, he actually thinks he’s innocent of all charges, because he was “just trying to help the country,” or because “a sitting President can’t be indicted,” or because “it’s election interference to prosecute a Presidential candidate (except Hillary),” or any number of other excuses he can come up with. He genuinely thinks he’s not only above the law, but above reproach.

He’s repeatedly made deals in the past when it was convenient for him; he’s not stupid — it’s his supporters who are gullible. He knows when to hold them — and when to fold them. If he doesn’t deal, it’s because he still believes he can get away with it because of his loyal cult.