
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

martinsmithy2/24/2009 8:42:05 am PST

I don’t think a health care czar will solve any of our nation’s health care issues.

But there are significant health care issues in this nation of ours - because our current system is malfunctioning. In every study I’ve heard about, every other developed nation in the world has a health care system that beats ours in accessibility, cost, and quality for all areas of medicine with the notable exception of unusual or cutting-edge medical treatments.

Personally, I don’t think a person should die or be chronically ill because he or she cannot afford health care.

I don’t like the idea of my hospital and other medical bills being needlessly inflated to pay for the emergency room visits that the uninsured make because they don’t have access to any other health care.

And one thought for everyone - doesn’t our current employer-based health care system put a huge cost burden on our nation’s employers - a burden that prevents them from creating more jobs? If health insurance became a joint responsibility of individuals and government, this burden would be lifted. Would GM still be going bankrupt if it didn’t have the huge burden of “legacy costs” to pay for the health insurance of its retirees?

Just some thoughts for everyone. Our current health care system is dysfunctional and suboptimal. I don’t know that anything Obama proposes will fix that, but putting our heads in the sand isn’t the answer either.