
Ida, We Hardly Knew You

Oh no...Sand People!10/23/2009 11:16:37 am PDT

I got to page 10 of the UNFCCC Copenhagen Treaty…

I can’t even continue. It’s a punishment for technology and innovation, IMHO. But I guarantee that China and Russia have nothing to do with this document..or they will sign on with no intention of following through..Shocka! Yet we will hobble ourselves with the ‘carbon credits cross’ and pay for our carbon sins…


Just like ‘Ida’…we need to wait it out longer, get more data before we jump to the arrogance of ‘HOLY SH$# we’ve been an industrialized civilization for less then 200 years! We are going to destroy the 4.x billion year old EARTH!’ Even if we are having an effect… who has the right to dictate what I have to do to fix it, and interesting that I can pollute from hear to Antarctica…if the $$ is right. Brilliant ‘Treaty’ we are working with here.