
Creationists Glom Onto Climategate

karmasherabwangchuk3/04/2010 12:19:51 pm PST

re: #58 LudwigVanQuixote

NO. No conjecture hung anywhere at all.

The facts are that denier groups had and spent months going over those mails trying to build up their smear and that it was certainly not coincidental that they released all their crap right before the Copenhagen summit.

where have you gotten this info? I am sure if this info is widely available some sympathetic news org lik ethe NYT will do some investigative reporting. till then i remain on the fence.

it is a fact that the hack itself was still illegal even in the off chance that it was not done by a denier interest. It is a fact that the denier propagandists still sifted the illegally obtained private mails for months looking for anything to take out of context and smear the writers. It is a fact that the denier side never mentions that.

this is true at least the first part. although i find myself not caring that much. it was all info that was going to be and should have been released anyway.

It is a fact that the denier groups are well funded by big oil and other fossil fuel interests.

really? then they are wasting their money. what is it you think they are trying to prevent? a switch to an economy based on breeder nuclear reactors? certainly you are not suggesting that they are concerned by a switch to wind, solar, atc as no first world economy will be running on these anytime in the forseeable future.