
Massive Fail at Uni-Tea Rally

cat-tikvah8/01/2010 9:57:59 am PDT

I was also on Independence Mall yesterday but at the vigil for the three hikers who have now been held for a year in Iran. I wondered what the hullaballoo across the green was about.
How ironic that people who are ranting about the government taking away their rights while freely assembling within sight of the LIberty Bell, seemed unaware or indifferent to the real plight of 3 Americans whose rights and freedom have been completely trampled by a country that really is dictatorial and oppressive.
Would have been a good PR move, if nothing else, if a sizeable contigent of TP’ers had managed to walk (or Segway even) the 50 feet from their soiree to the vigil.
People screeching about freedom don’t seem to realize how free they are.