
Nontroversy of the Weekend: A Quote on a Rug

Killgore Trout9/05/2010 1:32:19 pm PDT

The Passions (And Perils) Of Pamela Geller

the right-wing blogger, whose vehement opposition to the planned Islamic community center near Ground Zero (a “mega-mosque” in her parlance) has earned Geller national headlines, rose from her seat at a Midtown diner last week and, fed up with the line of questioning, stormed out of a Jewish Week interview.

“Shame on you,” she shouted, “shame on you. Stop slamming the good guys.”

A journalist’s offense? Asking questions about her accuracy and her red-meat rhetoric.
In person, though, the 51-year-old blogger comes across as charming, demure and even subdued, as long as she isn’t questioned or challenged too vigorously.
While not discussing Geller specifically, Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, a neoconservative think tank, said the tenor of the conversation regarding Islam in recent months has distressed him. The “good part” is that Americans are now pushing back against Islamacists, or radical Muslims, but the “bad part” is that many are now doing so “in a crude way,” calling Mohammed a pedophile and referring to all Muslims as terrorists.

Many of today’s bloggers, Pipes said, “came of age on 9/11” and haven’t done the serious study of Islam that he and others have. As a result, he added, much of what they write is based on ignorance.

Pam retorts…..

The Jewish Week (not) did a hit piece on moi earlier this week. I will not link to the never-was (let alone has-been) journalist who trafficked in out-and-out lies. Dhimmi shill journalist Doug Chandler claimed I “stormed out of a Jewish Week interview” in the lede paragraph.

Chandler is a bold faced liar.

I did not walk out. I spent over an hour and forty-five minutes with that JINO from the Jewish Week, on a day on which I had six other interviews. He got, far and away, the largest chunk of my time of those six. At the close of the interview, he started reading from a printout of Media Matters libelous Geller talking points. He began asking me to respond to distortions, half-truths, and outright lies posted by Media Matters and I did. Quite a number of them. But then it got stupid. Soon I saw that it was pointless to respond, since the Media Matters material is so deeply tendentious and biased, and since I had another interview, I told the interviewer that it was nonsense and that I had to go. I did not storm out, but since I had another interview scheduled at that time, I did have to leave. And we had covered everything.

The reporter is a drama queen looking to hook bottom feeders by trafficking in smears and fabrication.

The Jewish Week interview demonstrates his dishonesty and shows that he fabricates material when he claims that Robert Spencer and I shouted down speakers at the May 25 community board meeting. We shouted no one down, and have the video of the entire event (here and here) to prove it. That a Jew would accuse me of being a brown shirt in defending America is clearly the act of a modern day kapo.

Interesting statement from Pipes. He should be less worried about the crude rhetoric and start noticing the Eurofascists and their growing influence here in America.