
The Ultimate Blog Security Fail?

59 7:57:41 pm PST

re: #55 Slumbering Behemoth

Seriously. Secure that thing. Pedos have been known to cruise around looking for unsecured wireless networks to use for downloading kiddie pr0n.

I used MAC address filters and a few other things on my last wireless router.

re: #56 CuriousLurker

It’s true. Ditto what b_sharp said about using WPA encryption. I my wireless router is set up not to broadcast it’s identity, so unless you knew the name I gave it in order to find it, you wouldn’t even be aware it existed.

How do I do either or both of those things?

When I look at connections, I see all sorts of locked names, I guess some of these are the neighbors’ wireless access. And then the name I gave ours