
James O'Keefe Goes After Another Right Wing Target: NPR

Scottish Dragon3/08/2011 10:46:38 am PST

re: #41 iceweasel

I’ve often wondered why that should be. I don’t have an answer. There just isn’t ever going to be a conservative version of Jon Stewart for example. Why?

Anger and hate don’t work really well as a basis for humor. John Stewart rarely comes across as angry, and he is gracious to guests he disagrees with strongly. That is not an admired or encouraged trait on the Right, since the underlying assunmption is that people you are disagree with are anti-American, dangerous and enemies of everything you love. There is no room for gentle mocking or playful poking.

CS Lewis notes this tendency in this prologue to “The Screwtape Letters” where the denizens of Hell are utterly devoid of irony, and actual humor is a msytery to them. Everything is viewed within the realm of respect, positition and the WAR with the ENEMY.

John Stewart is simply outside of many people’s ability to process, since their core assumptions don’t allow for actual engagment with the ENEMY.