
The Arc of a Bogus Right Wing Outrage

Renaissance_Man9/06/2011 6:48:22 pm PDT

re: #53 tnguitarist

Charles, thank you for not letting this go. I’m so pissed about this I could scream. I’m upset about the (lack of) reaction as much as the original lie. These assholes know that a lie is hard to stop once it gains traction. Where are the traditional news orgs on this one? Is there some unwritten rule about not reporting other stations lies? Damnit, I’m pissed about this.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”—-Twain

The part that I still don’t quite understand is the complete unwillingness of traditional media to do anything but follow blindly in FOX’s footsteps. I thought that it was because they were persisting in treating FOX like an actual news organisation, and trying to ‘scoop’ them to a made up story, but when actual contradicting evidence arises, it’s hard to believe it continues to be ignored. Yet it does.

And this is why the media is controlled by the cult. Liberal media indeed.