Comment Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at Democratic Strategist

Gus9/30/2011 6:33:25 pm PDT

re: #54 Killgore Trout

I’ve been watching the recent wave of radical left protests and I’m thinking Obama might be in trouble. Until now I was assured that the fractured and radical right would scare away any moderates from voting Republican but now the divisions on the left might counter the the Tea Party insanity. The Protests in NY are sponsored by the World Worker’s Party, Annon, Wikileaks, Bradley Manning supporters. Protests now popping up in Boston supported by Socialist Alternative. Mikey Moore, Susan Sarandon, MSNBC, DKos and the lefty blogs are all a flutter with the prospects of a Marxist revolution. All the groups innitiating these protests are very anti-Obama and as they grow more mainstream they’re coopting the Dem Base. If this trend continues it could be big trouble for Obama in the next election by alienating the base and scaring away moderates, It’s a very bad time for the radical left to rear its ugly head.

Radical man. Yeah, democracy sucks doesn’t it? So when would be a good time to protest?