
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Incident Led to 'Urgent Discussions' at NRA

Kragar11/03/2011 10:30:20 pm PDT

re: #58 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Yessir, nobody’s entitled to a bailout…except the megabanks whose collapse, we were told, would plunge the nation into a new Depression and leave much of the population impoverished. Bailouts which, we were subsequently told, did not entitle the government to take any actions against the banks, such as placing limits on exec pay, because that would scare off all the “talent” and cause the banks to crash again.

Frak me sideways, turn the channel back to Cain, at least he gives the impression that he’s not working a room-temp IQ.

And Tax breaks. Don’t forget the tax breaks.