
Bad Lip Reading: Rick Santorum Remix

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/02/2012 6:13:44 pm PST

Don McLeroy rewriting history:

McLeroy: Texas’ evolution teaching meets science standards
Don McLeroy, Special Contributor

The big story concerning the release of the Fordham Institute’s “State of the State Science Standards 2012” is not the overall grade that Texas received but that the controversial high school evolution standards were described as “exemplary.”


However, concerning the high school biology standards that were the focus of the controversy three years ago, the report states: “There are no concessions to ‘controversies’ or ‘alternative theories.’ In fact, the high school biology course is exemplary in its choice and presentation of topics, including its thorough consideration of biological evolution.”

Back in 2009, the controversy over evolution focused only on the high school course. The State Board of Education did not change, delete or add any evolution standards in the earlier grades. Those standards were adopted exactly as the review committees had written them. If they are weak, then all involved, including the board, share responsibility.

Interestingly, in the section where the conservatives did take an active role and added the evolution-challenging amendments, Fordham describes the standards as exemplary. It states, “the standards handle the subject straightforwardly.”

Thus, their report vindicates the board’s religious conservatives. While most of the credit for the standards is thanks to the review committees that wrote the majority of the section, the point here is that the board amendments added rigor to the standards.


Um, no Don, the report does not do that.

What McLeroy ignores is that he and the other religious conservatives were checkmated by the big uproar, and thus they weren’t able to do all that they wished.
