
The Overweening Gall of Mitt Romney

Eclectic Cyborg5/08/2012 10:48:23 am PDT

re: #56 ggt

Mitt —did you see this video?

Purity Balls? Really?


With the purity ball thing, it kind of looks similar to me. The father is responsible for his daughter’s chastity, he locks it up in this little box, and on her wedding day he hands the box and the key to the husband and the husband gets to unlock her sexuality.

It doesn’t make for a whole lot of agency on the young woman’s part. But I do think that in these families, these are really profound and important relationships. While a lot of us stand on the outside and say, “That’s incestuous,” or “That’s creepy,” when you’re inside that world, it’s part of an important relationship a daughter has with her father. So, while it’s founded on some ideas that I think are really retrograde and dangerous about men controlling female sexuality, it looks very different from inside that community.

I’ve often wondered about the outside perceptions of things like purity pledges and whatnot. I’ve also heard the idea that a girls first “date” should be with her father. He should take her to dinner and show her how a man is supposed to treat a lady, so she’ll know when she’s found a good guy.