
Sarah Palin: "Seeing as How Dick Never Misfires"

Dark_Falcon8/01/2012 7:08:36 pm PDT

And in other news, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn used his amendatory veto power to change a bill passed by the state legislature that would allow holders of a Firearms Owner Identification Card (FOID) into a bill purporting to ban “Assault Weapons” but that seems to ban many common semi-auto hunting rifles. I’ll have a Page on this tomorrow, but I wanted to note it now, since it is going to be an issue for me for a bit. I oppose this proposal, of course, not the least of which because as I understand it what Quinn has proposed is stricter than California’s ‘assault weapons ban’.

This link is to an article by the Chicago Tribune. It does not get into specifics, so its utility is limited, but I felt a link needed to be provided.