
Dumbest Man on the Internet Uses Crazy Oathkeepers Militia as Fear-Mongering Source

ObserverArt9/09/2014 9:37:57 am PDT

Hey all! I was messing around in the kitchen and had ESPN radio on. The NFL is saying they never had the Rice in-elevator video.

“We requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including any video that may exist,” the NFL said in a statement. “We spoke to members of the New Jersey State Police and reached out multiple times to the Atlantic City Police Department and the Atlantic County prosecutor’s office. That video was not made available to us and no one in our office saw it until yesterday.”

From article at ESPN: NFL says it was denied video

There is some major butt-covering going on. Pretty amazing TMZ could dig it up, buy it or whatever, and the largest sports business in America didn’t have the means.