
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

Bob Dillon1/30/2009 9:43:14 pm PST

RW - besides my ego - what do you think?

Suspicions confirmed.

Over the years I have studied and had the honor of sitting at the feet of luminaries such as Virginia Satir, Buckminister Fuller, Richard Bandler, Leslie Camron-Bandler and others - I was on a personal mission to learn outside of the conventional “education system” in the 70s-80s and 90s.

Amongst insight, their teaching fined tuned my calibration and ability to enhance my personal BS detector.

I attended the protest at St. Mary’s College the other night NOT realizing that the general public would be allowed to enter the Soda Center and witness the Bill Ayers session. So without a recording device (Damn!) - I got in.

Ayers is very good at what he does. He defused the majority of protestors stating that he would answer all questions no matter how long it took after his presentation. (Licking chops and respectfully most waited - we got sucked in - it did not happen with mikes on and only for a few minutes before he bugged out).

I have to say the man is an eloquent speaker and thinker. (so were other monsters of history).

What he said about educational reform and his take on Obama’s Foreign Policy thinking sounded like Utopia. And to the students and uneducated about the truth of his former acts he seemed a brilliant reformer - and they got sucked in as well.

To me his rhetoric was a well veiled justification for his activities of domestic terrorism twisted into personal values and the need to act.

It will be no surprise to Lizards that what he spoke of is dangerous, unattainable (without becoming a Socialist/Communist entity), and will cost many American (and other) lives on the road to what he, Obama and Code Pink are working for.

The news today reporting his executive actions over the last few days supports my conclusions.

I was stunned at what he said. Had he spoken out as he did at St. Mary’s during the race for the White House - we would have elected a carrot; Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck rather than Obama. (I’m thinking that the majority would have seen thru the BS and rhetoric. I could be wrong.)

We all have work to do.