
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

realwest2/11/2009 11:26:32 am PST

re: #586 horse
Sorry, just had to come back here after seeing that post.
I don’t know about the “modern army” but infantry warfare is infantry warfare. I was an enlisted combat infantryman in Vietnam and I served alongside draftees - in the infantry - and for the most part they conducted themselves with great courage and valor.
And I resent the implication that draftees couldn’t do the same today - though they might need more training in the more modern techniques of infantry warfare, but the bottem line is: it’s always up to some poor bastard with a rifle killing the other sides poor bastards with rifles first and faster than he can kill you.
Again, I enlisted in the Army and I am proud to say that Vietnam saw draftees who served with great integrity, honor and courage and I resent any implication that they didn’t.