
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

freedom_fighter2/27/2009 2:21:41 pm PST

re: #583 KansasMom

This is not a contradiction. Man’s sin caused a fallen world. God loves us and wants us to choose for him. Because he allows us to choose for or against him we must have freedom. This freedom also allows for evil in the world to exist. God does not “give” people cancer. He allows evil, disease, etc in this fallen world (and the Christian belief is that satan is the current ruler on earth). Therefore when one dies and is confronted by God, they can ask why God allowed X, Y, or Z. If God did not allow evil in the world, then it would be a world without choice, therefore with love, and therefore a world full of robots just doing what we are told without choice. Not too exciting.

Second, that is a vile, reprehensible thing to say about families who have been affected by cancer. Seriously, just horrible.

I mean not to offend you with any of my comments, but it is far from vile. I used the word “perhaps” as in “I have no idea, I am not God, but I am taking one guess which could be true.” Perhaps God is allowing the family to be tested in their faith (obviously Christians have children with cancer too). Perhaps that child will go on to be a guiding light to thousands of others down the road - or be the next Lance Armstrong. Who knows. When I say perhaps, this is obviously not a one size fits all for every situation. If by calling me vile and reprehensible it is easier for you to disregard the message, and therefore feel better about your own position, so be it. I just find it perplexing how much hate is spewed over this lady’s beliefs. Arrogant Pride is the chief of sins, and most people don’t like to be told they are sinners (or wrong at all for that matter). It is only after one realizes their guilt that they can ask for forgiveness. That is what Christ came for in the first place.