
Video: Glenn Beck Calls Obama a 'Racist'

Sharmuta7/28/2009 12:55:12 pm PDT

re: #561 Honorary Yooper

Very true, but bigots will use just about anything to mask their true intentions. We have bigots in Europe who have appropriated Hindu and Norse symbols for their own. We have bigots in the US who hide behind a claim to be against or for “political correctness”. There are bigots who claim to be “anti-jihad” but are really anti-muslem. We have bigots who use the mask of “anti-Zionism” to hide their Jew-hate. Bigots will use any mask at their disposal to make their bigotry more palpable to the general population.

That’s all very true, which is why I posited the first comments about this- where is the line? I’m leaning towards EmmieG’s response which is “malice”. And she was right that it’s not always easy to detect. I personally think it means we need to be more discerning.