
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/28/2009 2:32:37 pm PST

re: #588 McJenny50

The problem with looking at snippets of code and their associated comments is that there is no context. Without having the design documents and the history, it is an exercise in futility and not something I personally would waste my time upon.

If you are interested in models for climatology, there are plenty online. There is a whole journal (published by the European Geophysical Union) dedicated to modeling.

The NASA agency that handles climate, GISS (headed by Dr. Hansen) has had their data and models online for anyone, for some time.

Much more simple models abound everywhere (and indeed, the Univ. of Chicago link I posted above has very simple models of basic processes.)

The canard being spewed by the right-o-sphere that their is some great cover-up of climate data and models is just that - a canard. It stems from the work of one dilettante by the name of McIntyre who has made it his end-of-life work to be a pest to a couple of research units, one headed by Mann, the other by Briffa, both of whom do reconstruction of temperature data.

The blather machine of the politicians, especially Inhofe, have been pimping McIntyre’s claims for years. Now the wanna-bes think they have something of importance in some stolen emails, but what they have is trivial in comparison to what the truth really is - which put succinctly shows that humans indeed are influencing the climate of the earth, and rather significantly at that.