
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

LGoPs3/06/2009 10:51:32 am PST

re: #584 Kenneth

Professor Lee Staples, who co-authored with Richard Cloward, Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing had this to say about the election of Barack Obama:

“His election represents a new direction in American politics,” said Macro Professor Lee Staples. “While it’s unrealistic and naive to view him as a savior, he can make a real difference. The economic crisis presents opportunities to move towards progressive tax reform and tougher regulation of financial institutions. The breakdown in the health system opens the doors for fundamental change leading to national health insurance. Global warming, high oil prices, industrial pollution and shrinking resources provide impetus for rejuvenation of the environmental movement and smart growth. The increasing gap between rich and poor nations around the world requires the United States to change its role dramatically on the international stage.”

I get really, really angry at the drivel that these ‘professors’ spout. I can understand being of a leftist bent. I cannot understand that being educated people, they do not acknowledge the proveable, demonstrable negative and often deadly effects of their philosophy.