
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

stiruptheblog12/12/2009 10:59:37 pm PST

Lets assume for a moment this box-style approach is a sound one. And lets follow the advice of the blue-shirted Craven to come up with tween scenarios. The ABSOLUTE WORST that could happen is this…

We choose to say YES and do something about Global Climate Change.
We DO what we THINK are appropriate actions to counteract GCC.
We enact policies, expand govt, suspend liberties, raise taxes, and spend money we dont have.
GCC turns out to be REAL and TRUE.
However, the actions WE took were the WRONG ones, or they were ineffective at best.
The resources we COULD HAVE saved (ie. squirrel and his nuts) to weather the changes are wasted, dooming us all. Perhaps a handful of us had the response CORRECT, but were ignored.

I’d say this is a far worse scenario than just NO and TRUE. Not only do we prepare poorly societally, we retard the individual’s ability to fortify as he/she sees fit. With what we already know about the gridlock in GOVT, how can any sane person expect effective and efficient action?

Is everyone dancing around, trying to AVOID climate change? Forget it. The climate will change regardless of what WE do. So, we change with it. We will weather every hardship. WALLE is part of our future now, lest face it! But seriously, I am not an extremist. I know we need to be prudent and even-handed when addressing what is to be done.

The LARGER issue is, how do we make small effective responses to the effects of an accelerating expanding world? And just like your “snowball”, how can we know the future consequences of our actions now, however well-meaning?

Just stirin’ it up.