
The Suspected White House Shooter's Right Wing Ideas

Gus11/18/2011 8:34:27 am PST

I might as well add to the brainless fodder.

Alleged White House Shooter Ortega-Hernandez To Oprah: ‘I Am The Modern Day Jesus Christ’

In the video, apparently recorded by a student at Idaho State University, Ortega-Hernandez rants about the “gangster Olympics,” Discovery channel’s Shark Week, his advocacy for the legalization of marijuana, and his opposition to the U.S. stealing oil from other countries.

“Please do not take me as a joke or as a deception. I have never felt so sure that I was sent here by God to lead the world to Zion,” Ortega-Hernandez says.

There you go. He’s obviously a leftist (sarcasm). Except for that last part which sounds like something from The Call and every other End Times church across America.