
Video: Lux Aeterna (A Journey of Light)

Killgore Trout1/20/2013 10:15:00 am PST

I know a lot of pro-Israel sites are off limits these days. What’s the verdict on Jewish Press?
The Palestinian Terror Index: A Majority Support Terror

Analysis released by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research contains a wealth of insights which have been ignored by the media.

Not many public opinion surveys in the region so I thought it was interesting. Some surprising findings…

* Educated people, as measured by those who have a first degree from a university, give terrorism 47% support. Palestinian Arab illiterates give terrorism slightly less support: 39%
* Students support terrorism to exactly the same extent as bachelor degree holders do: 47%. But so-called simple folk - in this case, farmers, housewives, laborers, and retirees – give it less support: 30%, 34%, 35%, and 37% respectively.