
Wired Responds to Glenn Greenwald's Accusations

mikehaas8212/29/2010 6:11:04 am PST

2nd post to this forum - in case anyone is wondering.

Wow - 580 odd posts to this thread and all over the board, mostly off-topic. As I’ve mentioned before, I became a fan of LGF when Charles very bravely denounced the Right for what it had become and the GOP in particular.

Now we have a hot-button issue and this forum shows its true conservative colors which, I suppose, shouldn’t be surprising as it *is* a conservative forum.

I understand the negative feelings towards Manning and Assange. What they did was frightening. Except I don’t necessarily equate frightening with wrong. However, considering the actions taken by the Government and other institutions to censor and otherwise keep associates from reading or quoting from the leaked documents, I find it incredibly disingenuous that both the press as well as blogs such as LGF have had no issue aidding and abetting WikiLeaks atop their high horses, discussing the material at length all the while maintaing the pretense of being “the concerned public”.

Now this forum slams one of the better and admittedly “left-wing” blogger/journalists, Glenn Greenwald, who’s award winning commentary as been met with much praise and slams him both professionally, personally and yes, with the type of bigotry LGF has up until now, abhorred, at least officially. Yes, Greenwald is a Jew. So am I. Scant mention of whom Greenwald has been professionally associated with - he’s dismissed here as some run-of-the-mill ‘net blogger, which he is not.

But, as I said - I couldn’t really expect the great atmosphere that LGF had become, realistically looking at the Tea Party, GOP Leaders and right-wing pundits-at-large to last or at least, extend towards these boogey-men.

I for one am thankful - yes, thankful this material was leaked. The only harm done was to the egos and the back-stabbing nature of the World’s “civilized” governments. Its about damn time the public and the World learned the truth of back-office international politics. You really worry about some poor diplomat being placed in harm’s way because of some leaked memo as opposed to the men, women and children who have lost their lives in the past decade - really?

I’m not buying this forum’s faux indignation at WikiLeaks or Assange or Manning. ESPECIALLY in light of the fact that this Forum has openly discussed the material. That means of course, as I pointed out before - there isn’t a single person who needs to have access to or otherwise read, WikiLeaks - all they have to do is watch the network news or check out the myriad number of blogs such as LGF to get all the leaked information they can choke down.

Shame on you.
