
Zimmerman Verdict: Not Guilty

Conn. Lawyer7/15/2013 12:02:17 pm PDT

I’ve just glanced through the comments here and it’s a little surprising how little attention was paid to the evidence by the commenters. You know, evidence, the stuff that people say in court and the physical evidence presented in court.

Based on my review of the evidence, I think it is more likely than not that Martin decided to teach the “creep-ass cracker” a lesson in respect, and so sucker-punched Zimmerman in the nose, knocked Zimmerman to the ground, and climbed on top of Zimmerman, banging away at Zimmerman’s head (evidence: Rachel’s testimony that Martin referred to the “creepy-ass cracker” and that Martin did not return to the house when he had a chance, Good’s testimony that Martin was on top beating on Zimmerman, Dr. Maio’s expert testimony about Zimmerman’s injuries). Had Martin not done that, he would be alive today. Had Martin gone home, he would be alive today. Had Martin called 911, he would be alive today. Had Martin engaged Zimmerman in a civil conversation (“Why are you following me?” “Because you don’t live here” “Oh, I’m staying with my dad” “OK, take care”), he would be alive today. Was Zimmerman foolish and imprudent in getting out of his car to track a stranger in the dark on a rainy night? Sure, that was a dangerous thing to do. You know, the stranger might decide to sucker-punch you in the nose and ground + pound you. Would I track a stranger through my neighborhood in the dark and rain while I’m waiting for the cops to come? No, I’m not brave enough or that civic minded.