
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Zimriel3/09/2009 8:43:33 pm PDT

re: #570 newsjunkie_ky

That’s because you don’t listen to him.

I’m not even going to say if I like Rush Limbaugh or not. I’ve read Jeff G’s article and I’m damned if I’m going to wring my hands over whether or not he has too much power.

Obama has too much power. Washington DC has too much power. And I’ll tell you who are the chief enablers of these highwaymen: it’s those hand-wringers whining about “but but but we have to care more about jobs! health care!” “We”? If you care so much, hire somebody; and/or chip in if they have to go to the hospital. But it is immoral to sit on your lazy ass and demand the government rob everyone else to assuage your withered conscience.