
Got a Big Hamas Fish

Walter L. Newton1/15/2009 12:55:27 pm PST

re: #554 Dianna


Run. Far and fast. Change your phone number, or block her calls. This is not a good person to know at all - she’ll blame you, and perhaps put you in legal jeopardy.


re: #563 cathypop

Take a deep breath and walk away. She will find someone else to dump her shit on and you do not sound like the kind of person that deserves it.

I met her three months ago, and I realized then that after her husband died 3 years ago, her lifestyle had changed in a really big way. And I could see that she had not adjusted to those changes yet. That I could understand, and I did. But now I see that she has actually “gamed” the system and people, all in an effort to keep her maintanience (sp?) level high caliber. Big surprise. I can usually see through people like this.

re: #566 jwb7605

I’ll overlook your morals and karma until I find out you may have abused the salad bar while at a restaurant.

Lord love you, Walter!

Fucker :)