
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

Aceofwhat?5/04/2010 7:48:42 am PDT

re: #586 Cato the Elder

Nevertheless, the choice to finish the job was on the table, and was considered seriously, only to be vetoed at the last possible minute. Which means the possibility of making the choice was factored in from the beginning.

The whining would have stopped eventually, and there is the precedent of “hot pursuit”. I think most of the coalition would have been secretly glad had we taken Saddam out in ‘91. As for the UN? Fuck ‘em then and triple-fuck ‘em today.

Tough call. There is still plenty of whining about the actual overthrow of Saddam today…Nimred thinks it’s worse than terrorism. And that was after 15 or so UN Resolutions warning Saddam. You really think there would have been less whining if we had broken a promise to go get Saddam rather than keeping a promise to go get Saddam?

I’m not so sure…