
Overnight Open Thread

Bloodnok3/10/2009 5:01:28 am PDT

re: #584 UncleRancher

Wired magazine, March 09, just got it. The Secret Formula that Destroyed Wall Street by Felix Salmon. David X. Li, a Chinese math wizard developed a risk measurement model in a Gaussian copula function that provided a means to assessment of complex risks. Too much faith was placed in the model, which fell apart in the last few months causing the market crash we now enjoy. It’s a very well written article, and scary as hell. Li has now returned to China and dropped out of contact. Conspiracy theories, anyone?

Is that the guy that was e-mailing Zombie? You may have not have been on at the time, but Zombie was posting a few weeks ago about a Chinese mathematician that was e-mailing her/him about a formula he had created but the math journals wouldn’t touch. I’ll see if I can find Zombie’s post about it.